Saturday, May 19, 2012

Why do we need to protect the environment?

We need to protect the environment recycling, don't wasting electricity or water, using public transports, cycling or walking, turning off the lights or don't cuting down trees. But, why we need protect the environment? Because:
1. There are 30 million species of animals and plants in tropical rainforest. But, in 100 years, 50% of the world's different species of animals will disappear and, in a minut, workers will burn or cut down an area of rainfores, equivalent to 60 football pitches.
2. The sea level is increasing a lot and the American State of Florida won't exist in 100 years because it will be under the sea.
3. Cars pollute the environment and, in 2035, the number of cars in de world will be 1.200 million.
4. The ozone layer protects the Earth from the Sun. But we're destroying the ozone layer.
5. In Spain, people recycle 25% of the rubbish in 2010. In 2011, a person in USA will throw away more than 250 kg of paper.

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