Friday, February 17, 2012

The romans in Britain.

The romans come to Britain nearly 2000 years ago and changed their country. We can see in the ruins of Roman buildings, forts, roads, and bath can be found all ove Britain. Romulus was the founder of Rome. He desided to build a town when he was young. He name his town Rome. The Roman general, Emperor Julius Caesar invaded Britain three times. The Romans leave Britain because their homes in Italy were being attacked by fierce tribes and every soldier was needed. The Roman Empire was important because the Romans, even today, play an important part in our lives. Many of the things we do or have organited from the Romans.
The Romans gave us the language, the calendar, the laws and a legal system, the census. The Romans lived in Rome, a city in the centre of the country of Italy. The first Roman city was Camulodunum also called Colonia Vitricencis, we know it by the name of Colchester.
Romulus was the founder of Rome, Romulus and his twin brother Remus were the sons of the God Mars.
Emperador Claudius organised the final and sucessful Roman invasion of Britain. The Romans called London “Londinium”.
The River Thames was quick way to transport goods between Britain and the Continent. The Romans saw this and built the town of “Londinium” around the river's main crossing point.

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