Thursday, March 31, 2011

We can save the enviroment.YES, WE CAN!! :)

Ten sentences to protect the EARTH.

 1-You musn't waste water: It's very important.
 2-You must turn off the lights when you go to bed.
 3-You must recycle to protect the environment.
 4-You must keep clean the beach for you go back.
 5-You musn't cut down the trees, because they produce oxygen.
 6-You must protect the forest because they are very beautiful.
 7-If you waste energy, you will pay a very good bill.
 8-If you don't recycle paper, we'll have to do homework,? but you must do.
 9-You must recycle bottles because you can reuse.
10-You should change the light bulbs with low energy.

YES, WE CAN!! :)

Noelia García Tojeiro and Tamara Tenreiro Salido 2ºB

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